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Member Benefits

View our "WHY JOIN?" brochure here:


Great reasons to join AAF-RGV 

Education - learn from your peers. We bring knowledgeable industry speakers to the Rio Grande Valley to present educational programs during our monthly member meetings/luncheons. 

Networking - whether during monthly meetings, networking mixers, committee meetings or our other events we provide plenty of opportunities for you to connect with others interested in advertising, marketing and communications. AAF helps you build your professional career network.

Leadership Opportunities - what a good way to learn new skills, make contracts and get management experience by volunteering your services to AAF-RGV. Officers, Board of Director members, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members all gain valuable experience from the AAF-RGV teamwork.

Friendship - because our members share many of the same concerns, needs and interest we support each other and become close friends. Who better to talk shop with?

Communications - our national daily AAF Smart Brief is available to members, through emails, and keep you informed about what is happening in our industry.

Advocacy - while it is mostly handled on a national and district level, having an association that represents your legislative interests in something you benefit from on the local level. When needed nationwide support of 50,000 AAF members can be mobilized in a very short time frame to respond to legislative issues. We present a unified voice that gets attention and results.

Advice - Got a business problem? Need a mentor or someone to review your portfolio? Aren't sure how to handle a particular client? Just pick up the phone or send an email and you are sure to find someone in AAF who has the answers you need.

Students - Whether it's the annual National Student Advertising Competition or our scholarship programs, AAF is known for supporting future generations of advertising leaders. Joining AAF-RGV is your way to give back to the industry that supports you in advertising, communications and marketing.

American Advertising Awards (formerly known as the ADDY® Awards) - at the local, district and national levels, AAF knows how to put on an awards program. The American Advertising Awards are judged on creativity in advertising. Volunteering to chair or judge this activity will give you tons of good experience and having your work win an ADDY® Award will give you an opportunity to look good in front of your boss and clients. And as a member you receive a discount on entry fees. 



Besides all of the above local benefits also applying to District and National participation, the following services, benefits and discounts are specifically offered nationwide for AAF members. Go to AAF Benefits for specific details.